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An analysis of Vassula Rydén's Jesus

by Ingerlise Provstgaard (continuation - Part 2 of 4)

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Unbiblical statements and tendencies

Vassula’s conversations with the person who claims to be Jesus are characterized by an abundant flow of words. She does not say much herself, but the teachings and answers he gives her come in a smooth and glittery stream of words. As a rule his tone is warm and loving, especially when he is addressing her about her task or their relationship. But he also speaks with great passion when he tells her how much he loves all of us, and how much he suffers seeing us wandering off on our own paths, instead of taking the ones that God prepared for us.

As I have mentioned before, the messages do not differ much from many other spiritual messages, and the reader very easily gets drawn into the idea of a great and embracing love from above. But beneath the warm and glittery stream of words runs an undercurrent of something quite different: a hard, mercyless tone, and words and phrases that are in clear conflict with the words and the spirit of the Bible. Usually they are covered up carefully in soft formulations, thus making it difficult for the reader to realize their true contents. In fact, when pointing out something worrying, I have often heard people say: ”Oh, but is that really what the messages say – I have been reading them a lot, but I never noticed that!”

In this chapter I have tried to go beneath the surface of these words and phrases to make the content stand out clearer. Taken separately, the examples may not seem much to look at, but put together they draw lines deviating from classic theology.



January 23rd, 1987:

”I can teach you to become worthy of Me

My comment:

It cannot be said that his promises of teaching her to be humble, honest faithful etc. are unbiblical, as long as we emphasize and keep in mind that in the end all spiritual growth is Gods work in us by His Holy Spirit. But it is not biblical that we can learn to be worthy of him. We are worthy only “in Christ”. It cannot be learnt, it is given to us, and it must be received in faith.



a) May 1st, 1987:

“I will always remind you of your wretchedness and the shadows of your past. I will re­mind you of how you denied me and re­jected My great Love when I ap­proached you

b) January 16th, 1991:

“I overlook all that you do not do in My favour

c) January 27th, 1992:

“You are a most imperfect instrument but My Compas­sion sees your efforts in your im­perfec­tion and My Wrath gets dis­qualified by My Tenderness

My Comment:

These three statements are characteristic for what he preaches about sin and grace.

a) In the Old Testament (Micah 7,19) we read about the Lord forgiving his unfaithful people: “Thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea”. And in the New Testament we are clearly and repeatedly told that our sins are wiped out by the blood of Christ. It makes no sense that Jesus would keep reminding us of what God has cast into the depths of the sea and what Jesus has wiped out with his blood.

b)Jesus does not “overlook” or ignore our sins and trespasses – he shows us his mercy (takes pity on us), he forgives us.

c)His wrath is not disqualified by tenderness, but by his sacrifice, his dying on Golgata. (And besides, does our imperfection arouse his wrath?)



May 9th, 1987:

”I will endure and forgive your sins, but I will not endure your hatred against Me

(Here he is speaking of those who do not accept the messages.)

My comment:

He who “endured such contradiction of sinners against himself” (Hebrews 12,3) no longer endures?



March 26th, 1987:

”I will baptize them with My Holy Spirit and free them completely; for not until they would be baptized by the Holy Spirit would they be able to share My King­dom.”

My comment:

Here he talks to Vassula about dead people whose souls he is showing her in  a vision. “They” are spirits from Hades (which in a footnote is said to be equal to Purgatory.) But “baptism in the Holy Spirit”, or whatever you wish to call this phenomenon, is given to living human beings, not to dead spirits. And it is not the “baptism in the Holy Spirit” that, as he says, opens the door to the Kingdom of God, it is what Jesus did on Golgata – and only that. In the same message he also states that if you, dead or alive, “fail to recognize Me because of this obduracy”, meaning that if you will not believe that he is the Jesus from the Bible, you blaspheme  the Holy Spirit and you will never be forgiven. Everything stands or falls with our recognizing him as the true Jesus. This is in contradiction to what the Bible says.



a) December 25th, 1990:

”Imitate Me your Lord and you shall live.”

b) April 1st, 1989:

”Be a copy of Me

My comment:

The words “imitate” and “copy” are both used frequently. The linking of “imitate” and “live” is not biblical. The Gospel says that whoever believes in Jesus shall live, it does not say that whoever imitates him enough shall live. It is a matter of receiving in faith. Of course it can never be wrong to strive to be like Jesus, but he does not ask us to be cloned copies, he asks us to follow him as disciples. He asks us to let ourselves be grafted like branches into the tree, which is himself. Then the branch will grow naturally, drawing nourishment from the root.



November 15th, 1988:

”I am giving you many graces Vassula, although you merit none. I have ser­vants who merit so much more than you - I am only re­minding you

My comment:

Apart from the unpleasant sarcasm of the last sentence which I do not find in agreement with the nature of Jesus, this is a statement where he contradicts himself. Again and again he has stated that no man deserves Gods grace or the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Which of course is biblical. But if no one deserves the grace and gifts, how then can he claim to “have servants who merit so much more”?



November 8th, 1989:

”My Cross of Peace and Love

My comment:

This is what he always calls his cross. Maybe he wants us to think of what is said in Colossians 1,20 that God ”made peace through the blood of his cross”. But the peace mentioned there is not ”peace on earth” or ”peace between Christians” as Vassula’s Jesus continuously calls out for. It is the peace ”between God and man” – the reconciling between us as lost sinners and our heavenly father by the death of his son. The cross of the Lord Jesus is a cross of humiliation and suffering, and I doubt that he would call it anything but that.



January 9th, 1991:

”Allow Me to leave My Cross on you. Courage, daugh­ter! My Cross is heavy and weighing on you but I know that you will be willing to carry It till the end.”

And right after that her angel, Daniel, urges her:

”Remember, the Lord has rested you, but now, would you not want to rest Him too? Vassula, satisfy Him then and allow Him to crush you with sufferings.”

My comment:

Here we are probably supposed to get an association to ”knowing the fellowship of his sufferings” (Philippians 3,10) so we will accept it as a biblical principle. But according to the Gospel, the cross is not something he asks our permission to leave on our shoulders, but something he asks us to ”take up” (Matthew 16,24). And he also says: ”My yoke is easy, and my burden is light”. (Matthew 11,30).



a) March 26th, 1989:

”Be happy that I have chosen you to share My suffer­ings. My Cross, ever so precious, rests on you, I need to rest(his own underlining)

b) July 12th, 1991:

”Carry My Cross when I am weary and console My Heart that aches for lack of Love.”

My comment:

In these two phrases, as in Ex.8 and in numerous other places through the conversations, he tells us that his reason for putting the cross on human shoulders is to be relieved of it himself! He is simply tired and depressed and needs help and consolation. This is certainly an interpretation very alien to everything that has been handed down through Christianity.  



March 20th, 1991:

”If you ask me: ”What must we do then to gain eter­nal Life?” I tell you: re­pent! Follow My Commandments, produce the appropriate fruits, and I, in the pres­ence of My angels I shall offer you the room I have reserved for you.”

My comment:

No doubt the Gospel urges us to repent, to follow his commandments and to bear fruit, and no doubt his words have a great resemblance with Matthew 19,16-22 and Luke 10,25-28. But then again he seems to turn it all upside down. Our salvation is not a reward for righteous living and good fruits. Righteous living and good fruits develop from receiving salvation as a gift. And what happened to: ”Everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life” (John, 3,16)?



September 19th, 1991:

I too rejoice for this Day when Satan’s head will be crushed by My Mother's heel.”

My comment:

According to the Bible crushing Satan’s head is not a task given to Maria, but to Jesus himself – cf. 1. John, 3,8: ”The Son of God was revealed for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” (Also see Genesis 3,15 and Romans 16,2o).



March 4th, 1992:

”Canada is Mine

My comment:

Jesus does not conquer nations, he conquers the hearts of men – in all nations.



March 3rd, 1992:

”Bring souls to Me that I may consume them in My Sa­cred Heart. I am thirsty for souls.”



March 30th, 1992:

”You are destined to honour Me and lead souls to Me so that I may consume them.”

My comment:

If you look up synonyms of the word ”consume”, used in these two examples, you find words like: use up, eat up, waste, waste away, destroy by fire(!). There are simply no ”positive” suggestions. If we consider what is normally understood as ”the work of Jesus by the Holy Spirit” these words seem to be in very little agreement. But it is in fine agreement with what we usually understand as the works of the devil. (Cf. The chapter on occult features p. 20).



a) December 4th, 1986:

Vassula says: ”You have seduced me I do not re­gret; how could I, since I am se­duced now!”

b) December 13th, 1986:

Vassula: ”You seduced me, and I like it!”

c) January 8th, 1987:

Vassula: ”Do you want me, Jesus?” He answers: ”O I do! I ea­gerly want you, I want to entice you!”

My comment:

This exchange of loving outbursts happens in the first “flirtatious phase” of their relationship. Very quickly he gets her full attention and awakens her longing to obey and serve him. Even if you recognize the playful tone of their mutual wooing, I just cannot imagine that the true Jesus would be playful about the fact that somebody felt “seduced” by him, or that he would use the word “entice” about what he wants to do with us.

But again, the words fit in perfectly with occult language and context.

In fact, I find that examples 14 and 15 very clearly tell us who he is and what he is planning to do with Vassula and the many others she is going to bring to him. He has seduced her, and he will keep enticing and alluring her so she will “happily” (he asks her if she is happy, and she says that oh yes, she is – very much!) fulfil her purpose: to bring souls to him for him to “consume” – eat up, waste away and destroy!


Addition 2005:

In the Danish translation of Vassulas messages, the two words “seduce” and “entice” are changed into words with a different meaning.

“You seduced me!” is translated: “You ravished me!”

“I want to entice you!” is translated: “I want to draw you close to me!”

This surely sounds much nicer, but after all it is not what it says in the message. It is not what Vassula’s Jesus said to her in the beginning of their relationship.


Occult features

Vassula’s conversations with the person who claims to be Jesus are characterized by an abundant flow of words. She does not say much herself, but the teachings and answers he gives her come in a smooth and glittery stream of words. As a rule his tone is warm and loving, especially when he is addressing her about her task or their relationship. But he also speaks with great passion when he tells her how much he loves all of us, and how much he suffers seeing us wandering off on our own paths, instead of taking the ones that God prepared for us.

As I have mentioned before, the messages do not differ much from many other spiritual messages, and the reader very easily gets drawn into the idea of a great and embracing love from above. But beneath the warm and glittery stream of words runs an undercurrent of something quite different: a hard, mercyless tone, and words and phrases that are in clear conflict with the words and the spirit of the Bible. Usually they are covered up carefully in soft formulations, thus making it difficult for the reader to realize their true contents. In fact, when pointing out something worrying, I have often heard people say: ”Oh, but is that really what the messages say – I have been reading them a lot, but I never noticed that!”

In this chapter I have tried to go beneath the surface of these words and phrases to make the content stand out clearer. Taken separately, the examples may not seem much to look at, but put together they draw lines deviating from classic theology.



January 23rd, 1987:

”I can teach you to become worthy of Me

My comment:

It cannot be said that his promises of teaching her to be humble, honest faithful etc. are unbiblical, as long as we emphasize and keep in mind that in the end all spiritual growth is Gods work in us by His Holy Spirit. But it is not biblical that we can learn to be worthy of him. We are worthy only “in Christ”. It cannot be learnt, it is given to us, and it must be received in faith.



a) May 1st, 1987:

“I will always remind you of your wretchedness and the shadows of your past. I will re­mind you of how you denied me and re­jected My great Love when I ap­proached you

b) January 16th, 1991:

“I overlook all that you do not do in My favour


c) January 27th, 1992:

“You are a most imperfect instrument but My Compas­sion sees your efforts in your im­perfec­tion and My Wrath gets dis­qualified by My Tenderness

My Comment:

These three statements are characteristic for what he preaches about sin and grace.

a) In the Old Testament (Micah 7,19) we read about the Lord forgiving his unfaithful people: “Thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea”. And in the New Testament we are clearly and repeatedly told that our sins are wiped out by the blood of Christ. It makes no sense that Jesus would keep reminding us of what God has cast into the depths of the sea and what Jesus has wiped out with his blood.

b)Jesus does not “overlook” or ignore our sins and trespasses – he shows us his mercy (takes pity on us), he forgives us.

c)His wrath is not disqualified by tenderness, but by his sacrifice, his dying on Golgata. (And besides, does our imperfection arouse his wrath?)



May 9th, 1987:

”I will endure and forgive your sins, but I will not endure your hatred against Me

Church authorities, who have tried to evaluate Vassula Rydén and her conversations with the person who calls himself Jesus, have agreed on four possibilities: It may be the true Jesus who is speaking, it may be the thoughts and inspirations of Vassula’s subconscious mind, or it may be a false – and evil – spirit. And finally there is the possibility that Vassula, out of hidden and suspect motives, has built her own spiritual empire and is simply spreading her own self-made teachings.

I share the common belief among Vassula’s followers that it is not coming from her subconscious mind. I also go along with the conclusion that she has not made it all up. That leaves us with the choice between God’s Spirit and a false spirit. And this is where people are divided. But the voices proclaiming that it is God’s Spirit speak a lot louder than the sceptics. I have the impression that many people keep quiet about their doubts, because they fear judging something to be false when it might in fact be true. In itself a laudable position, but when it comes to judging a spiritual source it becomes dangerous, because you very easily let yourself be convinced: “It is probably just me being too critical - who am I to judge!”

And it is true, we should not judge each other. But we certainly do need to test and evaluate.

It cannot be denied that the conversations in many ways are similar to what we would recognize as the Spirit of God. Vassula’s Jesus expresses himself in a “Christian language”, and he uses terms and metaphors wellknown to most Christians. But as I have tried to point out in the previous chapter, aspects of the conversations contradict the classic Gospel to such a degree that it must arouse suspicion.

It looks like God – yes, to a considerable degree. But to an alarming extent it also looks and sounds like the philosophies and messages occurring in the occult part of the spiritual world.

In the following ten examples I have wanted to highlight the similarities with the occult, as it shows through in the conversations.


1)The words:

The enormous amount of big words with a very modest core of meaning, and the repeating of the same things over and over again. The emotional language which seems to take possession of him and carry him away in verbosity.

These characteristics are quite similar to the outpourings and messages you hear from spiritualistic mediums or other occult channels. And just as is the case with these mediums, Vassula’s Jesus gives the impression that the contents of the words are not the real issue. In fact you get the feeling that he is rather indifferent to making her understand the essence of his words, because their true purpose is not to communicate his message, but simply to communicate. To create and maintain contact.

There is a huge “I” and a nearly as big a “YOU”, and what lies between “I” and “YOU” only seems important if it serves the purpose of creating and consolidating their connection. “Never weary of writing!” he tells her over and over.


2)The treatment of the servant:

Vassula is a dominated and obediant tool who humbly submits to any kind of control and directions. At the same time she is lifted above ordinary mortals because of her special calling and knowledge. The “we-us” relationship forms a protecting and isolating ring around the two of them, so that all she lives for is the reality within the circle. She would not want to be without it at any price.

This too is very similar to the relationship between a spiritualistic medium and his or her spiritual guide.


3)Blurry and evasive answers:

Clear questions and simple problems are met with empty answers.

On January 8th, 1987, Vassula has visited a sceptical priest who declares her writings “evil and divinations”. Vassula pours out her troubles to her Jesus, and he answers: ”I know, narrate Me by saying to him: Divinations are for fools; inspirations are for bles­sed children. Divinations bear no fruits; inspiration bear good fruits feeding many”.

On November 7th, 1989, Vassula is wondering at the fact that at times she finds mis-spellings in the writings. A very natural wondering, considering she is talking to someone who claims to be perfect! He answers: ”Vassula, these are your own (mis-spellings), not Mine.” (A strange statement seeing that he so often tells her that every word she writes is coming directly from him!) ”I have chosen you be­cause you are imperfect and with many weak­nesses

She goes on wondering that sometimes he uses words, not known to her. “I do,” he answers, ”when the need comes I have you under dic­tation and it is wrong to believe that this is My hand­writing.”

”Why then the difference of writing?” she asks and gets the reply:

“I like it this way. I use My instruments as they are with all their im­perfections…”

He continues his blurry answers and keeps shifting all blame for problems or mistakes onto her, wrapping it up in soothing, loving words.

The same pattern is seen on February 25th, 1991, when once again she wonders at incorrect language, and he says: ”Yes, you are obliging Me to reduce My­self to your level of grammar to reach you and your limited knowl­edge of words. Oh yes! You are most imper­fect as an instru­ment

With his tender “I am so big, and you are so small, but I love you anyway”- wrapping, he succeeds in giving her the impression that her questions have been met with satisfying answers. But they have not. There is no real substance in his words, and there is a striking lack of logic in his arguments, when for instance he says that he has to “reduce himself to her level” so that she can follow. Quite honestly, she is the one who spots the errors, not him! If the mis-spellings were her own, would she stop at them and wonder?!


4)The call for letting go of your will.

Vassula is requested to completely surrender her will and give up her independent and individual judgement in everything concerning the spiritual world. The messages must be unconditionally accepted, and any contradiction or rejection is met with distinct sadness, indignation or anger. Any objection, he tells her, is the result of rebellion against God. You have to trust his honest face and honest words:

”Trust Me - believe Me – it is I Jesus Christ - My teachings are sound - I am telling you the Truth” etc.

According to the Gospel we have to test the spirits – and to do it with profound care. But Vassula’s Jesus tells us that if we do that, we are enemies of God. Along the road he speaks even stronger, saying that people who do not trust him to be the true Jesus are committing the sin against the Holy Spirit, and they can no longer be forgiven.


5)Jesus as WISDOM.

He repeatedly refers to himself as ”Wisdom” – ”Wisdom guides you – Wis­dom tea­ches you – Wisdom instructs you”.

This gives strong associations to spiritual philosophies of occult New Age origin where ”Wisdom” is playing a very important role. ”Wisdom” is what people are in need of, and ”Wisdom” is what they will acchieve if they seek the spiritual spheres. Divine, immortal beings called ”masters of Wisdom” administer the wisdom, and as ”spiritual guides”, or reincarnated humans, they again and again visit the earth to ”save it”. And just like Vassula’s Jesus, these masters and their mouthpieces continually speak of peace, love and unity!

Of course the word wisdom is used in the Bible – but the way it is used by Vassula’s Jesus has much more resemblance to the occult and New Age    inspired understanding than to the biblical.



The strong accentuation of Jesus as teacher has many parallels in the New Age world, where you hear about the many spiritual teachers appearing on planet Earth in our time, to prepare the way for the great Worldteacher, whose coming is near at hand. Once and for all he is going to make an end to all wars and gather all people of good will into a life of peace, harmony, love and unity.

The New Age teachers (we find quite a few of them in public courses and evening classes!) are working at creating the earthly Paradise by educating an élite of serving, unselfish human beings who through their example will draw good people after them and lift mankind to a high, moral stage. And then, when everything is ready, Christ, Maytraya, the Messiah (who are one and the same person!) the WORLDTEACHER will enter the scene, bringing forth his kingdom of peace.

The same thoughts penetrate the teachings given by Vassula’s Jesus. By receiving and living his messages you will become part of a holy people without blemish. Through education and acceptance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit you will be ”transformed” (March 1st, 1992) and ”transfigured” (March 1st, 1992 and December 19th, 1990) – two very typical words and concepts within the New Age occultism. As ”survivors” (October 24th, 1991) you will then be first fruits of a new generation living on a new, cleansed earth.

New Age tells us that it doesn’t matter which religion you profess, as long as you will accept to be a bearer of light to a darkened world. Vassula’s Jesus of course – probably considering his target group – uses Christian ideals and traditions to launch this idea. But DEVELOPMENT is the keyword in both cases, not salvation. Through education and self-denial to a higher stage, through a higher stage to the perfect world – Paradise on Earth. Not death and resurrection (these words are barely found in the TLIG-books) – but ”transformation”.


7)Two passages with strong occult sounds.

a) On March 2nd, 1987, Vassula says to her Jesus:

”At times I feel as cold as stone! How ungrateful I must be!”

And he answers:

“Every time you have this feeling, it is I who use your love to warm up other souls who are in need of warmth, souls who are cold towards Me

Whether “cold” is meant literally or figuratively, it is a fact that he explains her feeling cold as a result of his taking something from her and giving it to another person. Horizontal transfering of “spiritual energies” is a very well known phenomenon in the occult world – drawing illness from a sick person, transferring power and warmth through healing hands, saying admonitory prayers for or against a person etc.

But this is not a Christian pattern for intercessory prayers or spiritual help. Christian prayers, said in the name of Jesus, go up to God. And then maybe God in his great mercy sends something down to the person we want him to bless. God gives from his own source, not from ours.


b)On March 21st, 1987 he says to her:

”It is I, Jesus. Vassula, will you train, be1oved, discerning Me with your mind? Vassula, look at Me.”

Then Vassula has to tell him what she can see him do, and what it says in a book that he shows her. In some things she succeeds and in some she fails, and failing makes her deeply discouraged, she is just not clever enough, and maybe he will choose another mouthpiece instead of her!

As I see it, a true revelation does not come ”to the mind” (even if it is difficult to say where it is coming to then!). And it does not put our skill to the test. You do not practice or train yourself in receiving revelations from God, they will come spontaneously by his will and in his power. In settings where occult techniques are used, though, it is quite common to train and practice methods of contacting the spiritual world – here skills are achieved through a learning process.

He also encourages her to practice feeling his presence. On October 24th, 1988 he says:

”Meditate on My Presence. Train yourselves by using these words, we, us, you and I, I and you, us.”

These techniques are very similar to occult visualization and also to transcendental meditation with a mantra.


8)Suspicious words and expressions.

Vassula’s Jesus uses words and expressions that in a Christian context sound suspiciously strange.

I have already mentioned the words: SEDUCE, ENTICE, AND CONSUME (Ex. 14 and 15, p. 14) as such words. If, on the other hand, these words were found in an occult context we would not be surprised at all.

And the sentence, quoted in ex.14: “You are destined to honour Me and lead souls to Me so that I may consume them” continues like this: : ”I will make vessels of Light out of them, brilliant flames that never cease, that never dim and that can never be snuffed

It is not difficult to hear the echo of Matthew 5,14: “You are the light of the world.”

But there is an even stronger echo heard from the Gospel’s talk about the fire in the place of the damnation – “the unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3,12 and Mark 9,48).

And besides, we are meant to be the light OF THE WORLD, not an eternal light. For in eternity HE is the light, and we shall all walk by this light (Rev.21, 23-24).


9)The word “messages”.

The word “messages” is probably one of the most frequent words in the TLIG-books.

”Hear My messages, believe My messages, live My messageswe read such appeals over and over again.

The word is used all the time by spiritualistic mediums and other persons channeling occult sources. Any announcement – whether greetings from late uncle Will, or philosophies from ”the Masters of Wisdom” - is called a message.

Christianity is founded on one great message: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does not rest on a whole lot of messages of this and that. Vassula’s followers consider her messages biblical prophesies, and of course ”messages” are not quite unknown within the Catholic Church in connection with revelations. But on the whole, ”messages” are not a significant issue in the Christian tradition.

Just as occult messages are usually rather empty of real enlightenment, the actual substance of Vassula’s messages seems very modest. Reading them and trying to find something deep and important in them often makes me remember a meeting I attended years back. A film had been shown about some occult groups and gurus, and afterwards there was a panel discussion. One of the mediums in the film had channeled a message allegedly coming from the archangel Gabriel. A well known Danish theology professor who was in the panel made this comment: “Now really, my friends! If you boil that message down, what does it say other than we should behave and be nice to each other!” His voice rose to an also wellknown indignation as he exclaimed: “Honestly, you don’t have to send the archangel Gabriel to tell us that!”

I totally agree with him on this. It seems silly to imagine God sending archangels to tell us what our own conscience and common sense tell us every day and what any Christian will be told whenever they go to Church. This is one of the reasons why I just cannot believe that the Lord Jesus would use so many pages (1200 when I first wrote this – now in 2005 I believe it is nearer to three times that number!) and so many words to tell us what we already know as Christians and what anyone can find in the Gospel.

And I find it outright grotesque that the messages are given such a high status that receiving and accepting them becomes a matter of life and death (eternally!). If you boil down the messages of Vassula’s Jesus they simply say: “ The message is that you CANNOT reject the message!”


10)His nature and behaviour.

When analyzing his words and demands, you find that he appears much more like a demonic being than a holy, heavenly one. He is self-centred and self-pitying, which I will show more examples of in a later chapter. He can express a most unholy irritation, he can be impatient, virtuously indignant, angry and huffish. The next moment he can be over the top with sweet words, drawing cute little hearts and fishes.

He whimpers at pain, he reproaches any contradiction, he begs humans for help and spits out threats against his enemies. All the time he points out his own goodness and puts it in a whimpering contrast to the wickedness shown to him by humans.

If he was a human being I would not hesitate to call him capricious and unpredictable, and things that are worse! And I would never call him a friend – let alone accept him as Guide and Lord!

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